The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Saturday, July 29, 2006

My Dad... the Rock-star...

How many people can say that their father will proudly attest to owning (and "racing") an electric purple boat?? Not many I'm sure... But that just goes to show that I have one of the coolest fathers around. My dad is FINALLY retiring this weekend and I am just beside myself with excitement for him. Of course, anyone who knows my dad will understand and probably laugh knowing that he will never really retire. He is taking what I like to call.... Maternity Leave... He will be off of work for just a couple of weeks and then he is going back to the grind as a "consultant"... grrrr... Christine and I would much prefer that he become a lazy bum, but we all know that isn't going to happen... Christine and Jim have flown out to Florida for the big shindig this evening and I am sooooo jealous. Hopefully Christine will have lots of new pictures up on her site soon so keep checking there...

Dad came out to Virginia a couple of weeks ago to check out Richmond and we had an absolute blast and ate and ate and ate. I was shocked at my next Dr's appointment to find out that I didn't gain 500 pounds. Whoohooo!! It was so nice for Dad to see that Kevan and I are doing really well here and are ready for the prince to arrive.

Everything is going really well for Colton, but I am miserable. Not only am I overly stuffed in the hottest time of the year in the south, but now I have been diagnosed with a "rare disease". Sounds like a blast, doesn't it... I know that you are all really really really jealous. You can't fool me... So I have PUPPPS. This translates to: really really really really itchy burning rash all over my body because I am allergic to the placenta at this point. Are you kidding me????? As if being pregnant alone isn't hard enough, now you have thrown the itchiness into the picture and I am ready to die. The worst thing about having puppps is that it is really making the last couple weeks of pregnancy unbearable (like they are supposed to be easy to begin with???). The Dr's have put me on steriods and other drugs to try and get this under control, but it isn't working. We have our next dr appointment on Tuesday and I am going to beg, scream, cry, plead, offer bribes... anything to get the Dr to take this baby out of me... We are 37 weeks pregnant now and are considered full term at this point. Colton is just doing some extra baking and putting on weight at this point but I don't think that I can handle this much longer...

Cousin Erich is coming to visit us on Monday while he heads off to the next stage of his life. He's going back to school in North Carolina and I'm so proud of him. He's only going to be about 2 hours away from us, so hopefully we will be seeing a lot of him in the upcoming months...

I'm sitting here at the computer and I wish that everyone could see the way that this belly is moving right now. We had our Non-Stress Test last Tuesday and Colton has proved himself to be a "wild child" to the Dr's. Great... So far the medical world has let me know that "You ain't got no shrimp in there..." and "Wow! Look at the Wild Child!!!"
Thats fine and dandy.. but get this wild child OUT OF ME ALREADY!!

Thats about it for now, I'm ready to get a new icepack onto my itchy parts. I hope that everyone is doing really well and we will keep everyone updated as to Colton's estimated arrival...

Take care!!!
The Gerber Family


About Me

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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.