The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My precious prank caller...

I just got a phone call from Layla's Husband letting me know that my darling son had just prank called their house... yes, I speak of sweet little Colton.... Sweet Little Innocent Colton just made his first prank call... So is there a spot for this in his baby book? Do I enter it right after First steps?
First prank call: 9-19-07 4:33pm to the P house in Pennsylvania...

Because yes, not only did he make a prank phone call, he called long distance.

I wonder if this is the start of him not being a bargain hunter. At least he called from the house phone where we get unlimited calls and not my cell phone...
Layla was very happy to hear a mom in the background of the babbling because then she knew at least that he wasn't an abandoned baby... Because, that's right... I was sitting 2 feet from my son when he did this...

When I got on the phone with her, I expressed my relief that he'd called her and not 911!!!!!

Little stinker...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The coolest outfit on record...

Colton can now say that his life is complete... well, for now anyway...

and this is all because the mailman brought us the most amazing shirt E.V.E.R. yesterday!!! Both of my boys were beyond excited about this shirt and I have a feeling that it will be a favorite for years to come!!!!!!!

It's official!!! Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Gators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The happiest little gator fan...


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Our poor, poor, poor dog...

...went from sleeping in our beds to getting kicked out while I was pregnant. From being the center of our world and doing all sorts of fun stuff and cuddling all of the time...

He now sleeps on the floor, gets "played" with all of the time by a noisy nosy toddler, gets his food and water bowl put up because said noisy nosy toddler is very interested in eating and drinking said dog's things instead of noisy nosy toddler food/drink.

He constantly has to listen to a loud noisy nosy toddler instead of the peace and quiet that he loves...

Said dog can't even cuddle with his daddy while daddy plays video games because noisy nosy toddler must investigate ears, paws, give kisses and bother.... He doesn't have any dog toys laying around because the noisy nosy toddler fights him for the toys since noisy nosy toddler wrongly believes that everything was put on this planet for him...

Poor said dog has lost everything...

and now he has finally hit rock bottom....

Noisy nosy toddler has declared said dog's last possession as his own.... Said dog has now lost his chair. Noisy nosy toddler just laid siege, forcefully removed said dog and has piled said dog's chair up so high with toys, that I'll be surprised if noisy nosy toddler can crawl back up there...

the poor, poor, poor, poor life of said dog.
The Gerber Family


About Me

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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.