The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Gobble 'till ya Wobble!!!

We left for New York thinking that it was going to be a nice six and a half hour drive to my Mom's house for Thanksgiving... Boy were we ever wrong!!
Colton's first long car trip was not something that we were really excited about, but he is such a good flyer that we were hoping that he is just a natural traveller and will enjoy travelling around as much as we do (especially since we have such a hectic couple of months coming up...) He actually did rather well with the drive, I think that Kevan and I were worse off than he was... That nice trip ended up taking us 12 hours... Yes, thats right, I said 12 hours... I hate stupid drivers. I can't wait until we are out of Virginia. I have to say that the worst drivers on the road, no matter what state you are in ... Yup... You guessed it... VIRGINIA Drivers.... They don't understand that the left lane is for passing and they dont understand the speed limit is a guideline...

The worst is that everyone in VA drives to NY to visit their relatives so the entire way you are dealing with stupid Virginia people... I don't understand it.. It might be that they are NY transplants taking this slooow way of life a little too far...
We had so much fun on thanksgiving and ate such amazing food. Mom really outdid herself... She never ceases to amaze me. Here she is, with a broken neck, still pulling off a Martha-worthy feast. She is the most amazing person and I am just so thankful this year that she is not only still alive, but still able to walk around... How lucky is she!!!

We had a nice dinner the day after Thanksgiving with two of Dave's sons, Brad and Terry. Terry's girlfriend Sabrina was also there and she is just so sweet. Colton really likes her and flirted with her a whole bunch!!

Kevan and I went out Friday night and left Colton with Grammy... We had fun, but it was a sad reminder of how we are just too old when we were both very hungover on Saturday.... Not very uplifting...

Its so weird to think about how a year ago, we were already pregnant. It's so fun to share the holiday season with Colton and we love having him around soo much!!

We have big travel plans for the rest of the Holidays: Florida for Christmas with Dad and Nana, Colorado the day after Christmas until after New Years and then we are going to Oklahoma in January so that Jim and Justin can finally meet the little man.

Colton is growing up so fast and he is smiling up a storm and loves to giggle. He is starting to enjoy tummy time as he has figured out that he can watch Football when he picks his head up... He has started eating rice cereal and that has been a blast to watch him try and figure out what to do with it once its in his mouth. He actually does very well with it and most of it does end up in his belly. He's getting better every day with it. When we took him into the Dr. bc he had a cold last month, he weighed 14 pounds... We go back to the Dr for Colton Dec 11th and I can't wait to see what he weighs then!!! He is such a big boy. He was 25 inches the other day when I measured him.

Happy Cows make Happy Cheese...

Pam came out to visit us the end of end of October and that was so much fun. I have been threatened with dismemberment if I show pictures, so I will just post some family portraits that she took of us while we were out walking...

I went back to NY with Colton after Mom broke her neck to hang out and help out. I ended up taking Megan and Colton trick-or-treating and it was soo much fun! Megan was a Dragon and Colton was a bumblee Bee during the day and then a Chick-fil-a cow that night...

It would have been better if anyone in NY knew what Chick-fil-a was, but it was still worth it...

Monday, October 09, 2006

September - October...

so there are so many fabulous things that I need to blog about that I'm worried that I won't be able to unclutter myself....
I think that my vacation will be divided into parts...
Hold your breath... here's part one... even choosing a title is difficult...

So you know how you get so excited when you are going home and you are just filled with that warm, cozy feeling and are just so excited you can hardly breathe?? Me either... haha. But really, I was so excited to go home with Colton and hang out with the fam. Colton was faaabulous on the flight and no worries... then the trouble begins... (I must say that it was even sooner than I thought it would be...) Soooo we land at JFK and are all ready for the joyous reunion when I get informed that I need to meet Mom and mom's friend Janet curbside. My delightful mother must have been having momentary insanity since she obviously has forgotten that I have her sweet grandbaby with me in his stroller. So there I am pushing Colton and pulling the baggage cart behind me. But therin lies the problem. I have these massive suitcases with me and the luggage cart only works if you are either pulling the handle up or pushing it down. Otherwise it is all locked up... It was drama. I had people laughing at me and then to my utter shock, I actually had New Yorkers offer to help me... I was floored!!! (They must have just been tourists...) So I finally make it out to the curb to meet up with Mom and Janet. You bet that Mom and I put the base to Colton's carseat in backwards after the 20 minutes it took us to install it in the first place. That was not very fun...

I had dinner with Sara, Katt and Barbarann at Rosies in Danbury one night and that was a blast. I wish that the night had lasted longer, but it was great to bond a bit...

Barbarann got married on 9-30-06

"Take my drunk picture!!!" or... "I'm going to get blogged about, aren't I..."

Then there was the fabulous day that Mom, Colton and I kidnapped Dave and watched the Yankees play all day and Mom got waaasted. It was simply hilarious... She hadn't really eaten anything because she is on a new kick, "Thin people have to eat like birds..." So there she is downing double vodka tonics in a nyc bar at lunch time... After hours and hours in this bar, we walk outside and my drunken mother is trying to convince me to let her push Colton so that she has something to hold herself up with.. Hmmm, I'm going to let you push my infant son around NYC bc you can't stand up straight.... GREAT IDEA!!! Mom was so much fun drunk though, I thoroughly enjoyed it... The best was when she stopped suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk near Times Square and informed me that I MUST take Drunken Pictures of her.. My mother then started to Pose in her fabulous new Brooks Brother shirt while people are desperately trying to get out of the way of the flailing arms... I think that I need to get her drunk more often... It was a classic moment, especially when she stopped mid-pose as her mind cleared a bit and she realized, "Oh Shit, I'm going to get blogged about..." YOU BET!!! Oh and I am completely NOT going to mention a certain someone puking that day... Not going to mention it at all, not even a litttttle bit... Lips are sealed.... (And I sweeear it wasn't My Dear Mother that threw up on the sidewalk... Not at all...) But Mom was trying to convince me that she got drugged.. I had to remind her that she got DRUNK not DRUGGED.... To this day she swears some lusty bar patron wanted her....

Nana's 90th Birthday Party
I finally left NY and met up with Kevan in Atlanta on our way to Boca Raton, FL for the weekend. We celebrated my Nana's 90th Birthday party and it was a blast to see my cousins... We might have stayed up really late one night eating Tiramisou... Did I even spell that right?? Not sure, but my hips loved that cake!!! Dad took a great self-portrait... And then we tried to get a family portrait, but after all the beer, wine and food, it didn't quite work out the way that we wanted... Sweet Maggie didn't really make it into the picture...

Back to NY...
I ended up having to go back to NY with Colton the following month after my Mom had a really scary accident and broke her neck while Foxhunting... She is fine now, but all the Dr's are in awe that she isn't paralyzed.. Talk about dodging a bullet... Very Scary stuff...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Perspectives...>Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing

So its official... I have a spoiled child... Everyone tells you that you can't spoil a child in the first month. I call bullshit...
This child screams bloody murder if he is put down. He refuses to sleep alone. I could look at it in two different perspectives...
Perspective 1: all sweet and loving as if 'awww, he just can't get enough of me.' or
Perspective 2: I could look at it like 'ahhhhhhhhh, he just can't get enough of me.'
Just one letter off and a WORLD of difference in perspective.

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Last night he started something new. Now not only does he scream his growing head off if he isn't getting his way, but now he has channeled Maria Carey and can hit that screeching high note perfectly. Once again, perspective comes into play here...
Perspective 1: AWESOME!!! I can retire early, as my son is going to be an amazing singer who can make tons of money and support us forever. He is just showing his dedication early and practicing. Practice does make perfect ya know.
Perspective 2: OH MY GOD!! I think that my eardrums just shattered.

But no matter what, he is a dang cute kid! I still look at him sometimes and it hits me that wow, he's really ours. I know that everyone says that they have a hard time imagining life without their children after they are here. I can easily imagine our life without Colton. It just isn't as fun or full or rich. I can imagine it without him, but I am so grateful that I don't have to live that way anymore. There is something so amazing about being a mom that I am learning more about every day. My mom says that I'll want to lose this weight so that Colton isn't embarrased that he has the chunk-a-monk mom. She's right.

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Kevan is doing such a great job with Colton now, but I found out last night why we go through a box of 400 wipes in a couple of days... My darling husband will go through between 5 and 10 wipes every single time he changes the diaper. He was SHOCKED when I informed him that I manage to change his diaper with only 1 wipe. I did concede that if its a realllllllly dirty one, the kid can get 2 wipes. WalMart was out of the Pampers that we use yesterday, so we are trying out the cheap brand. We have already found out that Food Lion brand sucks, so now we are testing the waters of White Cloud.... So far, so good.

We have quite the travel schedule coming up and I'm so excited! Colton and I leave next Wednesday night for New York. Barbarann is getting married on Sept 30th and then we'll hang out with Mom, Dave and the kids until Oct 6th. We'll then fly to Atlanta, meet up with Kevan and then continue onto West Palm Beach to spend the weekend with my Dads side of the family. We hardly get to see them so I am soo excited. Christine and her clan will be there also so it going to be so great. Saturday night, we are having a surpise 90th Birthday party for Nana (hope she doesn't read my blog!!) and going to get to all just hang out. I haven't seen my cousins Jen and Mike and their families in years, and its been 3 years since I have seen Nana. They haven't ever met Kevan so that will be fun. Plus, its always fun to get to introduce a baby around...

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The biggest bummer and downside of the weekend is going to be that this was not a good weekend for me. Since we are going to be in Florida, I am going to miss the wedding of one of my most favorite people ever. Miss Emily Weisenbach. She is getting married Sunday Oct 8th and I am devastated that I am missing it. I have been looking forward to it for so long and then this ended up being the only weekend that worked for everyone else to have Nana's party. (I am still low man in the family...) I know that she is going to be a beautiful bride and I am going to stalk the pictures once they are available so that I can see everything that happened. I feel so awful about it because Emily jumped through hoops to be able to make it to our wedding in Colorado and be one of my bridesmaids and I can't even make it to hers. Its very sad. The only perspective of this one is that its sad.

Anyway, thats about it for now, I probably won't blog again until we get back from Florida but will be sure to post pictures from all of our travels once we return. Please cross your fingers that Colton is a good flier since he's about to earn his wings...

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I found a great site to post pictures, so if you can't get enough Colton, go to

Saturday, September 02, 2006

We made it through the first month....

So its been a month since I became a Mom and although I am still trying to figure out exactly how to make this all go smooth, its so amazing. We have had some ups (most of the time) and downs (figuring out that Colton doesn't like it when I eat garlic..) but overall its been just the most amazing experience. Every day I just fall more and more in love with this little boy who has captivated our world.
Today is the start of College football (whoooohoo.. I'm excited, can'tcha tell? ) so Kevan made sure that Colton had his Gators football socks on. Then tomorrow he will get to wear his Dophins bib all day.
I know that everyone is biased towards their own kids, but he is just so handsome!! I love just staring at him and watching him discover the world... its just too cool.
Kevan has passed Diaper Changing 101 and has now moved onto Baby Soothing 200. His latest and most favorite trick is "Lindsay... he's fussy... You need to take him..." By the time I'm done with him, I could sell him on E*bay for a bloody fortune. :-)
We went to the Dr the other day and Colton has porked up to 8 pounds 10 ounces. So in 2 weeks he gained 1 pound 10 ounces. You'd think I was feeding the kid MickyD's or something.
What I am most curious about though is why the kid thinks that he must toot on my hand every single time that I change his diaper. Every time I either get tooted on or peed on. Kevan gets nothing. I like to think its because Colton loves me more and just wants to share more of his life with me... ha.
Anyway, enough of me blabbing, here are the pictures...

Check out my big guns...

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Colton sleeping soundly... Now how come he can't do this at night???

Daddy teaching Colton how to play Madden...

Here are some more pictures of our little man...

All snuggled up like a bug in a rug...

Here is my favorite...
He is just so precious!!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

"Did you know your fridge is on wrong?????"

So its been an interesting two weeks since Colton's birth. Kevan and I are adjusting well to the new routine. Well, I should say that Kevan is adjusting well to the new early evening routine of, "Lindsay, Colton needs a new diaper..."

I think that Kevan is scared that he is going to catch something if he changes too many diapers. Its scary stuff in his mind. He will soon learn that diapers aren't contagious.. or... he could be learning the fine art of couch sleeping ;-)

Colton has put himself on the schedule of wanting to eat every 2 hours. I told my mom this morning that he is just like a 14 year old boy at this point, obsessed with the boobs.

We had a rough start with his weight and had to go to the Pediatrician every other day for weight checks until the little stinker decided to put on some weight. Thank goodness that's over.

So we had many visitors while Colton was in his first week. I think that everyone was scared to leave us alone with a child because seriously, again, who thought it was a good idea to let us have a kid??? :-)

My mom was here for the first week and did a great job of NOT rearranging the house. It was so special to get to spend that time with her. She had a really hard time with our fridge though, and we heard many, many, many times throughout her visit that our fridge door was on wrong and we should let her switch it... I swear.

After my Mom left, my sister came to town with my darling niece. Don't you know that one of the first things out of my sisters mouth was that the fridge door was on wrong... Its very scary to see how much my sister is like my mother. Its like seeing into the future and knowing my own destiny (lord help us ;-) )

( Cousins portrait...)

Its been really nice to have the house to just the 3, well 4 counting Jarro, of us. I am loving this whole family deal. Its the best thing that I think that I have ever done...

Kevan looked at the picture of Colton having Tummy Time and was like, "Oh my goodness, he looks just like me!!! " Duh!!!

Alright, I know that I have been really bad with keeping up posting here with picture of the little man, but I promise that I will be more faithful. Hope that everyone out there is doing well!! Talk to you soon!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Coronation has occured!!!

Colton Alexander Gerber
Friday, August 4th, 2006
6:42 P.M., E.S.T.
7 Pounds 9 Ounces
20 Inches

HOLY MOLY... Did you catch the stats on that one??

So Its official, the King has arrived. So we went to our Dr appointment last Tuesday and my Dr (who I would personally like to Canonize at this point (-: ) decided to go ahead and induce me because my Blood Pressure had gone up and I was in misery with the Puppps. We set the appointment and I have to admit, it was a little weird to "schedule" our Son's arrival...

We showed up at the hospital at 4 p.m. on Thursday and they started the induction. Well after 26 hours of labor and only 1 centemeter of progress, we all decided that a C-Section was the way to go. I have to admit, that was one of the scariest hours of my life. Not only was I dealing with the fact that I was about to become a mother but I was also about to go through major surgery. Awake. I was so happy that Kevan as going to be there to hold my hand through it. Suprisingly the epidural really wasn't bad. The scary part was feeling the pressure of them moving around in my belly and waiting for Kevan to come into the room. Everytime I have watched a birth on tv and see the new mom cry when she hears the baby cry, I always think to myself, "What a pathetic sap!!" Well it's official, I am a pathetic sap. As soon as I heard his little cries, the tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably. Kevan and I just stared at each other throughout the surgery and it was so amazing to watch his facial expressions. Kevan stood up and got some great pictures of Colton being pulled from my belly and just after. Kevan has now seen more of me than he ever thought he would or wanted to.

Looking at this little man that we have created, I am amazed on many different levels; This is our son... Who thought it was a good idea to let us be parents??!!??

Saturday, July 29, 2006

My Dad... the Rock-star...

How many people can say that their father will proudly attest to owning (and "racing") an electric purple boat?? Not many I'm sure... But that just goes to show that I have one of the coolest fathers around. My dad is FINALLY retiring this weekend and I am just beside myself with excitement for him. Of course, anyone who knows my dad will understand and probably laugh knowing that he will never really retire. He is taking what I like to call.... Maternity Leave... He will be off of work for just a couple of weeks and then he is going back to the grind as a "consultant"... grrrr... Christine and I would much prefer that he become a lazy bum, but we all know that isn't going to happen... Christine and Jim have flown out to Florida for the big shindig this evening and I am sooooo jealous. Hopefully Christine will have lots of new pictures up on her site soon so keep checking there...

Dad came out to Virginia a couple of weeks ago to check out Richmond and we had an absolute blast and ate and ate and ate. I was shocked at my next Dr's appointment to find out that I didn't gain 500 pounds. Whoohooo!! It was so nice for Dad to see that Kevan and I are doing really well here and are ready for the prince to arrive.

Everything is going really well for Colton, but I am miserable. Not only am I overly stuffed in the hottest time of the year in the south, but now I have been diagnosed with a "rare disease". Sounds like a blast, doesn't it... I know that you are all really really really jealous. You can't fool me... So I have PUPPPS. This translates to: really really really really itchy burning rash all over my body because I am allergic to the placenta at this point. Are you kidding me????? As if being pregnant alone isn't hard enough, now you have thrown the itchiness into the picture and I am ready to die. The worst thing about having puppps is that it is really making the last couple weeks of pregnancy unbearable (like they are supposed to be easy to begin with???). The Dr's have put me on steriods and other drugs to try and get this under control, but it isn't working. We have our next dr appointment on Tuesday and I am going to beg, scream, cry, plead, offer bribes... anything to get the Dr to take this baby out of me... We are 37 weeks pregnant now and are considered full term at this point. Colton is just doing some extra baking and putting on weight at this point but I don't think that I can handle this much longer...

Cousin Erich is coming to visit us on Monday while he heads off to the next stage of his life. He's going back to school in North Carolina and I'm so proud of him. He's only going to be about 2 hours away from us, so hopefully we will be seeing a lot of him in the upcoming months...

I'm sitting here at the computer and I wish that everyone could see the way that this belly is moving right now. We had our Non-Stress Test last Tuesday and Colton has proved himself to be a "wild child" to the Dr's. Great... So far the medical world has let me know that "You ain't got no shrimp in there..." and "Wow! Look at the Wild Child!!!"
Thats fine and dandy.. but get this wild child OUT OF ME ALREADY!!

Thats about it for now, I'm ready to get a new icepack onto my itchy parts. I hope that everyone is doing really well and we will keep everyone updated as to Colton's estimated arrival...

Take care!!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

"You don't call, you don't write, you don't blog?????"

So Aunt Gwen recently reminded me that I have been slacking on my blogging. It has been a crazy month since our computer has been on the fritz for pretty much that entire time. Let me tell you, its not very fun to have to reload all of your computer software and programs. I know, I know.. excuses excuses.. But seriously, hopefully by the end of this coming week our computer will be back to fully functional...

So our last Dr's appt didnt go to well, and we (I) got yelled at. Colton's heartbeat was down, my blood pressure was up and they discovered that I am anemic (who isn't????). We had our 32 week appointment today and found out that all is well for us and that we right are on track, or even a little ahead... That makes us feel a lot more comfortable. I'm sure that everyone has seen the pictures of the whale (me) floating on the internet lately... p-rettty scary... but unlike what cough, some people, cough (Dad) think.. this large belly is mostly all baby!!!! Suprisingly I am doing really well on the amount of weight that I have gained. I am right on target!!! When I asked the Dr today how large they think Colton is, she gave me a (quite scary when you think about it) funny look and informed me... "Well, we know you dont have a shrimp in there... " Good job being reassuring Doc!! Thumbs up for you!! Gold star.

So things are getting more and more difficult as of late. The nurse today had me pee in a cup and I honestly wanted to jump up and down in glee when I was able to (mostly) accomplish this feat. I think that I should have recieved a medal at this point... And I'm being serious!!! I am now 8 months and this means that I still have about 8 weeks until my due date. Know what that means??? That I have 8 weeks of finding out what horrors await around every corner... I just can't wait to find out whats in store... I am spending so much time on the potty in the night that I have contemplated just putting a pillow on the wall and calling it a night...

Kevan has been amazing throughout this whole process and it has made me fall more and more in love with him. I do not know what I would do without this amazing man that I can now proudly call my Husband... Now that Colton is bigger that you can feel him moving around as well as kicking, it doesnt take as long for Kevan to feel him. (Translation: Kevan now has the patience to wait for the movements...) The look of utter joy that crosses his face when Kevan feels his son move in my belly is priceless. He literaly gasps with joy each and every time he feels the baby. It makes me feel so special and wonderful that I am able to provide that for him. I can't wait to be able to give Kevan this highly anticipated son. I am just as excited to watch my son grow up as I am to watch Kevan become the amazing father that I know he will be.

So next weekend would have been our wedding and I'm seriously so excited that we have already been there and done that. Its amazing that this baby that Kevan and I were so nervous to tell everyone about is now so special to us and our families and so eagerly anticipated. We are so lucky that we have such great families behind us that gave us the strength to handle starting our own little family.

I want to send a very loud congratulations to Kevan's cousin Jeremy and his amazing new wife Kandis. We wish that we had been able to go to the wedding, but hope that your trip to Jamaica is ammaaaaaazing!!!!!

I think thats a wrap for the moment... Hope all is well for everyone... Keep us posted!!!

Oh yeah... a new email address for us:
rubber duckie, you're the one...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Here ye... Here ye... Beware the wrath of the Gods and Goddesses...

So the sojourn to Californ-i-a was as awesome as anticipated. There are certainly no wall flowers in our family (and Annie Miller is part of our family of course...) as evidenced by our costumes for the party on Saturday. I think that my stomach is still reeling from Christine's famous last words to our driver... "Catch that Ferrari!!!" All of a sudden we are jolted into a scene of the Italian Job, only in a 15 passanger van heading up a steep hill with dramatic drop offs at every curve just for effect... It was just like an episode of Fear Factor and we were the main event!!!

So as mentioned on the infamous Korkosz website (which as usual is much better than this ol thing...:-) ) Annie Miller was Hera, my shy Brother-in-law Jim was Neptune or Posiden depending on who you asked, my beautiful sister Christine was the goddess Selene, my equally shy father was Bacchus, God of Inebriation, and I was Juno, impregnated by a flower with my unborn son, Mars. Randomly throughout the night, the war cry of "Baccchhhuuuuss" could be heard bouncing off of the floors of italian marble... Too fun!!! I think the weirdest part of the evening (besides straight people saying "Did you see the flower arrangement over the fireplace??" "Did you see the flower arrangement on the buffet table??" "No really, did you see the flowers on the fireplace??" over and over again...) was that I was the sober one while everyone else was under the Bacchus spell... I think that I will forever remember my darling father with grapes hanging from his wig.. too funny!!!

Sydney is by far the most beautiful little girl in the world (you can see her on Christine's site...) and Cooper finally loves me!!! We bonded over Virginia Giant, the monster truck... It was very sad to say goodbye to them, but at least I will get to see them in just a couple of months on D-DAY (aka. Delivery Day...)

Colton proved me right by kicking his stuff for Aunt Steen and Granddaddy this weekend... Kevan thinks that I make up that he kicks me a lot, but I have witnesses now!!! He discovered the trampoline otherwise known as my bladder on the plane ride out there this weekend, and oh, what fun...

alright, I need to start unpacking the huuuuuge duffle bags that I brought back with baby clothes for Colton... I hope that everyone had a great weekend, and that all is well...

Goodbye for now...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I'm going to California.. I'm going to California... (picture this being chanted in a very excited voice...)

Can anyone tell that I am soooo excited!!! I should be packing right now, but I'm pooped and being a lazy bum instead.

We went to Ikea last night and picked up our new furniture. It was so awesome and I want to go there every day now. Kevan was sooooo excited to drive and hour and a half to shop for furniture... He doesn't get it though. Ikea is a big kids chuckey cheeses and I am officially addicted. :-) So far I have put together the nightstand and 4 dining room chairs that we got. I am sooo excited to actually have a grown up house with REAL furniture!!! I'm such a dork, I know. I'm pregnant and married, but what makes me feel grown up is furniture. Who would have thought... I feel like a little girl that wants to have a tea party, only the difference is that I will (probably) serve "real" food and instead of teddy bears and dolls, my victims, uh I mean, guests will be Kevan and Jarro...

So I love macho men. Kevan decided last night that we didnt need to spend $40 on slats for our new bed. Thats fine and dandy, except that everyone can now imagine that I will be waiting about a lifetime to be able to put my new bed together now. I think it would have been worth the $40 to get to put it all together right now, instead of waiting, who knows, a month(??) to get the slats that we need from Home Depot and have Kevan cut them to the right size... oh well... At least it will give me something to harp on, and I have recently been told that the secret to a marriage is Harping... I'll let you all know how that experiment turns out :-)

I took my Glucola test this morning and there is only one word for that special drink.... blughhh... Yuck!!

Here is the latest picture of our resident King...
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Kevan is going camping with the boys this weekend and will be refreshing his fishing uh, skills...
Jarro is soo excited about getting all nice and dirty and smelling up my nice detailed vehicle...

Alright, Kevan has just handed me a fabulous dinner of pizza and I'm diving right in... And for the record... Gooooooo Yankees!!! My boyfriend, Mike Mussina pitched last night and beat those smelly Red Socks... peee ewww!!

Hope all is well for everyone out there and hope to talk to you all soon...

Adios from Gerberland...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Its Derby Day!!

So I am stealing this idea from Christine and hope that it works out...
We are the Gerber Family-

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Kevan - the dad
Lindsay- the mom
Jarro - the king of the house (aka the dog, but he doesn't know it (yet)...)
Colton - the bun in the oven...

We are in Richmond VA and are slowly becoming suuthenuh's here in the Capital of the Confederacy... We hadn't realized that the Confederate Flag can be worn as any article of clothing from bathing suits to flip flops to onsies until we moved to this place... They aren't kidding when they say that "the war isn't over yet..." (Shhhh... don't tell anyone I am a Yankee!!)

So we are 25 weeks pregnant at the moment and had a cramping scare last week, but turns out I am just dehydrated and need to drink more fluids. Colton looked great at his 20 week ultra-sound. He is sure a kicker and Kevan is hoping that his future football position is as the safety. Colton is really shy around his dad though, and won't kick for him... (it might help if Kevan had a longer attention span :-) )
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We just had our 24 week appointment and all is well. The coolest thing in the world is hearing the swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh of his heart. Too cool! He is measuring ahead of schedule, but who knows what that means, with our luck, I'll be two weeks late... We did get our Dr. to agree to give me a C-section if it looks like we have a 10 pound baby. A lot of pregnant woman feel that they need to "accomplish" something by having a natural childbirth without drugs... not me!!! Load up the drugs and give me a walking epi right now if you want!! I'm a whimp and the easiest way to get this watermelon out is what I'm going for!! Is it too late for a surrogate??

Here is the belly at 24 weeks... not the best picture, but you can see King Jarro on the side...
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I think thats about all for now, its Kentucky Derby day and that means that I need to start doing some research on my horse. I'm thinking that Lawyer Ron is the pick for me, but we shall see... I'll end up picking the horse with the worst odd's...

having a baby
The Gerber Family


About Me

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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.