The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The latest...

Here we are playing paintball

Our Greasy Sunscreened boy at the Botanical Gardens in June...

I love these pictures. They were taken at the park down the road from our house.

I've been so bad about blogging lately... Things have been super hectic. We moved back to Colorado at the end of March and are so happy to be back! Its been awesome to be around old friends again, and to make new ones... It's so nice to be around family again and I hadn't realized just how much I missed everyone out here and the state in general until we were back. Why did I ever want to leave?

Colton is doing great! He's saying Mama, Dada, Bubu (bottle) and every now and again he pops out with DoDo (doggie) and Byebye. He loves talking on the phone with his Daddy and makes sure to call him every morning so that he can tell him all about his Banana's and Waffles. He is a crawling phenom and is quick like a panther. He's started walking and will take up to five steps at a time so he'll be walking fully anytime now.

We took him to Chatfield Reservoir Swim Beach today and he loooves the water! It was a bit chilly, so I put just his feet in so he could feel it and he took off!! While hanging on to my two fingers, he walked in all of the way up to his armpits and wanted to go in farther. We sure have a water baby!!!

Kevan starts a new job tomorrow and we're so excited! He's going to work for our college friend Adam and Kevan is beyond excited to be working in the installation side of the business again. It's also going to be a really nice change to be working residential again and not be working for as large of a corporation. He will be getting a company truck which means that I get my Escape back... literally!! It's going to be so nice to be able to go grocery shopping during a weekday again instead of with everyone else in the world at night or on the weekend. I sure won't miss those crowds!!

I'm still working on my Medical Transcription Course. It's a lot harder than I expected it to be, and I got off discouraged for a while, but I'm back on track now and just plugging and chugging away..

We haven't been able to take many new pictures lately because our camera is broken and we haven't gotten around to fixing it, but thats going to happen real soon... But my girlfriend Christy is a professional photographer and she has taken some pictures for us. I hope that you like them!!

I'm no longer using Dropshots because I have too many pictures there, so now I'm using Flickr. Let me know if you need the link and I'll get it to you...

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The Gerber Family


About Me

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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.