The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Just a Regular Morning

So I haven't blogged in almost a year... been a little busy.

But my mornings have been just too good to not blog about.

Take for instance this very morning, when after getting myself all ready I moved on to Colton. Got him all dressed, stood up and realized that my butt was soaking wet.. Yup... I had taken off his pee filled pull up and sat on it while getting him dressed. Awesome. "I'm still wearing my pee pants..."

I couldn't quite pull the same trick as Texas Ranger, so I had to change clothes but it was sure interesting while it lasted.

At least Colton wasn't hung over this morning. Lately he's been giving me a taste of what life is going to be like when he's a teenager. He wakes up and grunts at me for about 5 minutes before he'll start talking. One morning he grunted and handed me a slice of pizza that he had swiped from the kitchen the night before and hidden in his room. So that morning I got to see what a stoner teenager would be like as he grunted and handed me his crust.

Another morning he broke the routine and growled at me to leave him alone. Yet another morning he grumbled that he had to go lay down. This was of course after he had stripped naked. At least when he is a teenager I wont have to change my sheets in the morning because he's wiped his pee covered butt all over my bed while he went to lay down.

One of my favorites has to be what happened about a minute before I picked up the computer to write about it. I'm sick. The kids are sick. And their school didn't understand that if I wanted to stay home with sick kids while I'm sick I would have kept them home this morning... So Lillian is napping, Colton was supposed to be napping but he has a super human toddler strength of not napping. So he came downstairs and started eating my lunch (the leftover absolutely delicious ranch pizza that I made for dinner last night) and asked if Daddy was home yet. it went something like this:

Colton: "Oooh ooooh ooooh... Daddy home yet??"

Wise sniffling Mommy: "Nope. He's the lucky one who is still at work. He'll be home later..."

Needs-No-Sleep Colton: "Oh, he be home for dinner Mommy?? You better go to the kitchen and make dinner. Daddy coming home for dinner and he like yummy food. You go cook."

Shocked sneezing Mommy: "You little shit!!!!!!!" wait... maybe that was in my head... actual response: "Nope... Apparently Daddy needs to cook more often so that you know that he knows how to..."

Because Colton has figured out how the world works in our house.... If Kevan drives the car, Colton lets him know that he's in "Mommy's Seat" and he wants to know what I'm doing in "Daddy's seat. And now he wants me to go cook dinner... little slave driver.

Kid, you're lucky you're too little for me to throw a pillow at because in a couple of years you'll have a lot of pillows thrown at you if you keep that up.

Now don't think that because I'm not blogging all about Lillian that isn't a little pisser. That little girl has developed an attitude lately that has to be one of the cutest things in the world. But one day it won't be and that day we're screwed.

But she's learned how to stay STOP and she says it all of the time. She is just the sweetest little girl in the world and I'm just so lucky to have her. She's still an absolute Momma's girl and it's so nice because Colton was always Daddys little boy...

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The Gerber Family


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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.