So its been an interesting two weeks since Colton's birth. Kevan and I are adjusting well to the new routine. Well, I should say that Kevan is adjusting well to the new early evening routine of, "Lindsay, Colton needs a new diaper..."
I think that Kevan is scared that he is going to catch something if he changes too many diapers. Its scary stuff in his mind. He will soon learn that diapers aren't contagious.. or... he could be learning the fine art of couch sleeping ;-)
Colton has put himself on the schedule of wanting to eat every 2 hours. I told my mom this morning that he is just like a 14 year old boy at this point, obsessed with the boobs.
We had a rough start with his weight and had to go to the Pediatrician every other day for weight checks until the little stinker decided to put on some weight. Thank goodness that's over.
So we had many visitors while Colton was in his first week. I think that everyone was scared to leave us alone with a child because seriously, again, who thought it was a good idea to let us have a kid??? :-)
My mom was here for the first week and did a great job of NOT rearranging the house. It was so special to get to spend that time with her. She had a really hard time with our fridge though, and we heard many, many, many times throughout her visit that our fridge door was on wrong and we should let her switch it... I swear.
After my Mom left, my sister came to town with my darling niece. Don't you know that one of the first things out of my sisters mouth was that the fridge door was on wrong... Its very scary to see how much my sister is like my mother. Its like seeing into the future and knowing my own destiny (lord help us ;-) )
( Cousins portrait...)
Its been really nice to have the house to just the 3, well 4 counting Jarro, of us. I am loving this whole family deal. Its the best thing that I think that I have ever done...
Kevan looked at the picture of Colton having Tummy Time and was like, "Oh my goodness, he looks just like me!!! " Duh!!!
Alright, I know that I have been really bad with keeping up posting here with picture of the little man, but I promise that I will be more faithful. Hope that everyone out there is doing well!! Talk to you soon!!
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