The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Perspectives...>Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing

So its official... I have a spoiled child... Everyone tells you that you can't spoil a child in the first month. I call bullshit...
This child screams bloody murder if he is put down. He refuses to sleep alone. I could look at it in two different perspectives...
Perspective 1: all sweet and loving as if 'awww, he just can't get enough of me.' or
Perspective 2: I could look at it like 'ahhhhhhhhh, he just can't get enough of me.'
Just one letter off and a WORLD of difference in perspective.

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Last night he started something new. Now not only does he scream his growing head off if he isn't getting his way, but now he has channeled Maria Carey and can hit that screeching high note perfectly. Once again, perspective comes into play here...
Perspective 1: AWESOME!!! I can retire early, as my son is going to be an amazing singer who can make tons of money and support us forever. He is just showing his dedication early and practicing. Practice does make perfect ya know.
Perspective 2: OH MY GOD!! I think that my eardrums just shattered.

But no matter what, he is a dang cute kid! I still look at him sometimes and it hits me that wow, he's really ours. I know that everyone says that they have a hard time imagining life without their children after they are here. I can easily imagine our life without Colton. It just isn't as fun or full or rich. I can imagine it without him, but I am so grateful that I don't have to live that way anymore. There is something so amazing about being a mom that I am learning more about every day. My mom says that I'll want to lose this weight so that Colton isn't embarrased that he has the chunk-a-monk mom. She's right.

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Kevan is doing such a great job with Colton now, but I found out last night why we go through a box of 400 wipes in a couple of days... My darling husband will go through between 5 and 10 wipes every single time he changes the diaper. He was SHOCKED when I informed him that I manage to change his diaper with only 1 wipe. I did concede that if its a realllllllly dirty one, the kid can get 2 wipes. WalMart was out of the Pampers that we use yesterday, so we are trying out the cheap brand. We have already found out that Food Lion brand sucks, so now we are testing the waters of White Cloud.... So far, so good.

We have quite the travel schedule coming up and I'm so excited! Colton and I leave next Wednesday night for New York. Barbarann is getting married on Sept 30th and then we'll hang out with Mom, Dave and the kids until Oct 6th. We'll then fly to Atlanta, meet up with Kevan and then continue onto West Palm Beach to spend the weekend with my Dads side of the family. We hardly get to see them so I am soo excited. Christine and her clan will be there also so it going to be so great. Saturday night, we are having a surpise 90th Birthday party for Nana (hope she doesn't read my blog!!) and going to get to all just hang out. I haven't seen my cousins Jen and Mike and their families in years, and its been 3 years since I have seen Nana. They haven't ever met Kevan so that will be fun. Plus, its always fun to get to introduce a baby around...

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The biggest bummer and downside of the weekend is going to be that this was not a good weekend for me. Since we are going to be in Florida, I am going to miss the wedding of one of my most favorite people ever. Miss Emily Weisenbach. She is getting married Sunday Oct 8th and I am devastated that I am missing it. I have been looking forward to it for so long and then this ended up being the only weekend that worked for everyone else to have Nana's party. (I am still low man in the family...) I know that she is going to be a beautiful bride and I am going to stalk the pictures once they are available so that I can see everything that happened. I feel so awful about it because Emily jumped through hoops to be able to make it to our wedding in Colorado and be one of my bridesmaids and I can't even make it to hers. Its very sad. The only perspective of this one is that its sad.

Anyway, thats about it for now, I probably won't blog again until we get back from Florida but will be sure to post pictures from all of our travels once we return. Please cross your fingers that Colton is a good flier since he's about to earn his wings...

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I found a great site to post pictures, so if you can't get enough Colton, go to

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The Gerber Family


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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.