The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Monday, October 09, 2006

September - October...

so there are so many fabulous things that I need to blog about that I'm worried that I won't be able to unclutter myself....
I think that my vacation will be divided into parts...
Hold your breath... here's part one... even choosing a title is difficult...

So you know how you get so excited when you are going home and you are just filled with that warm, cozy feeling and are just so excited you can hardly breathe?? Me either... haha. But really, I was so excited to go home with Colton and hang out with the fam. Colton was faaabulous on the flight and no worries... then the trouble begins... (I must say that it was even sooner than I thought it would be...) Soooo we land at JFK and are all ready for the joyous reunion when I get informed that I need to meet Mom and mom's friend Janet curbside. My delightful mother must have been having momentary insanity since she obviously has forgotten that I have her sweet grandbaby with me in his stroller. So there I am pushing Colton and pulling the baggage cart behind me. But therin lies the problem. I have these massive suitcases with me and the luggage cart only works if you are either pulling the handle up or pushing it down. Otherwise it is all locked up... It was drama. I had people laughing at me and then to my utter shock, I actually had New Yorkers offer to help me... I was floored!!! (They must have just been tourists...) So I finally make it out to the curb to meet up with Mom and Janet. You bet that Mom and I put the base to Colton's carseat in backwards after the 20 minutes it took us to install it in the first place. That was not very fun...

I had dinner with Sara, Katt and Barbarann at Rosies in Danbury one night and that was a blast. I wish that the night had lasted longer, but it was great to bond a bit...

Barbarann got married on 9-30-06

"Take my drunk picture!!!" or... "I'm going to get blogged about, aren't I..."

Then there was the fabulous day that Mom, Colton and I kidnapped Dave and watched the Yankees play all day and Mom got waaasted. It was simply hilarious... She hadn't really eaten anything because she is on a new kick, "Thin people have to eat like birds..." So there she is downing double vodka tonics in a nyc bar at lunch time... After hours and hours in this bar, we walk outside and my drunken mother is trying to convince me to let her push Colton so that she has something to hold herself up with.. Hmmm, I'm going to let you push my infant son around NYC bc you can't stand up straight.... GREAT IDEA!!! Mom was so much fun drunk though, I thoroughly enjoyed it... The best was when she stopped suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk near Times Square and informed me that I MUST take Drunken Pictures of her.. My mother then started to Pose in her fabulous new Brooks Brother shirt while people are desperately trying to get out of the way of the flailing arms... I think that I need to get her drunk more often... It was a classic moment, especially when she stopped mid-pose as her mind cleared a bit and she realized, "Oh Shit, I'm going to get blogged about..." YOU BET!!! Oh and I am completely NOT going to mention a certain someone puking that day... Not going to mention it at all, not even a litttttle bit... Lips are sealed.... (And I sweeear it wasn't My Dear Mother that threw up on the sidewalk... Not at all...) But Mom was trying to convince me that she got drugged.. I had to remind her that she got DRUNK not DRUGGED.... To this day she swears some lusty bar patron wanted her....

Nana's 90th Birthday Party
I finally left NY and met up with Kevan in Atlanta on our way to Boca Raton, FL for the weekend. We celebrated my Nana's 90th Birthday party and it was a blast to see my cousins... We might have stayed up really late one night eating Tiramisou... Did I even spell that right?? Not sure, but my hips loved that cake!!! Dad took a great self-portrait... And then we tried to get a family portrait, but after all the beer, wine and food, it didn't quite work out the way that we wanted... Sweet Maggie didn't really make it into the picture...

Back to NY...
I ended up having to go back to NY with Colton the following month after my Mom had a really scary accident and broke her neck while Foxhunting... She is fine now, but all the Dr's are in awe that she isn't paralyzed.. Talk about dodging a bullet... Very Scary stuff...

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The Gerber Family


About Me

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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.