The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Maternity Photo Shoot

So Christy and I had a photoshoot yesterday of the belly and I am so impressed with the pictures.

It's amazing how different you look in your head versus through a lens. Seeing these pictures made me feel so beautiful! I never thought that I would feel so pretty and confident at 32 weeks pregnant.

And it was a great feeling to SEE my hard work of losing weight from Colton (and before) and not gaining much with this pregnancy.

I'll put the tame ones up first...


belly frame



and then here are some of the more artsy shots. They came out beautiful!!!



My favorite one:



1 comment:

Karen said...

Move over Demi!! Here comes Lindsey! Beautiful pictures Honey!! Auntie Karebear

The Gerber Family


About Me

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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.