The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Family Room... a work in progress...

So here are some pictures of the family room as it was and as it is now... it's not done yet, this couch isn't going to stay, and neither is the entertainment center. The shopvac might stay, because it's so pretty and all.. and the mess in front of the fireplace will be gone as well as the two chairs that are in front of the fireplace... buuut here it with the beautiful new floors...

Oh yeah, we haven't had time to pull the tape down from the wood beams yet, or put the trim back up, so the room is far from done, but at least it has furniture and a FLOOR!!!

Then (the walls are textured wallpaper over awful 70's faux wood paneling, the carpet is beyond nasty)

Now... new flooring, paint (a beige) and new sheetrock...

and here is Miss Eloise "Weezy" Gerber doing what she does best... pester Jarro.

and this is how she sleeps...

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The Gerber Family


About Me

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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.