The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Latest Renovation pictures...

So we've been taking quite a break from renovation and decoration with everything that we've had going on, but we're back at it!!! We have been really busy this weekend and it shows (for once!!)

We are almost done with painting the living room/dining room and then Kevan will be laying the hardwood floors in thre once the painting is complete. And then it's time to buy (another) living room set. I never would have guessed that 'd have to have three separate living room sets, but that's what it's turning into with the basement turned into The Pub, and the Family Room and then the formal Living Room. My plan for next summer is to turn the covered patio into an outdoor living room and put up curtains and really do it up... I might have to kill the dogs before then so that they don't mess it up... <<whistles innocently>>

Anyway, we really made progress on the Playroom and also (finally) on our room and put the almost-finishing toucheds on Colton's room. The only thing that still needs to happen there is to put up the pictures of him in frames that we have, well, we have the frames, not the pictures...

Sooo here are the latest pictures of the house!!! Enjoy!


This is the closet in the playroom that is fabulous bc I can put all of the toys away. I still need to make a curtain to hang over it so that you aren't looking into the mess all of the time. It will be out of the same fabrc that I just made the curtain out of...

closeup of the curtain that I made

The shelf with Kevan's knicknakes on it

I still need a bedskirt for this daybed..


The picture hanging in my laundry moom via my mom's house

Check out the lampshade that I made!!

You can see the picture underneath the bandana in this picture , but you can't see it when you're looking at it... It also doesn't look lumpy when you're looking at it (I guess the camera does really add 10 pounds.. sorry lapshade...)

I still need to put up the valance


Our new bedspread

A messy view of the new Black Velvet curtain that is between tour bedroom nand our dressing room'bathroom area

A view of the bedroom. I have to iron the black bedskirt and then it will be on there tonight. We still have to put up pictures and other decorations... Yeah, our bedroom still has a long way to go, but at least it doesn't look like a complete shell anymore...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the house and the kids are adorable! Did you get my e-mail last month? I had a baby girl. (You don't need to post this, I just didn't know how else to get in touch.) XO ~Layla

The Gerber Family


About Me

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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.