The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The story of Lillian Grace Gerber

On Friday, May 23rd, 2008, Kevan and I left our house at 5:04 am and drove to Swedish Hospital to finally meet our daughter. We were admitted into the hospital by a nice man named Jeremy who was very excited to let us know that we share a birthday with Alice Cooper. Apparently Jeremy was born on Feb 6th (the day after Kevan and myself) and he shares a birthday with many cool people like Babe Ruth.

After we got all checked in and answered his 500 million questions, we finally started on our way to the Labor and Delivery Ward. I have no clue what the point of pre-registering at the hospital was since we had to answer all of those questions and more when checking in. But we finally got up to the L/D ward and I was a nervous wreck.

It was time for one last belly shot to remember what it was like. So here I am, at 40 weeks 3 days pregnant, in my last hour of being pregnant.

So one of my all time favorite things about Kevan is how he is such a kid at heart. He makes life so much more interesting. So, when Kev was given his scrubs to wear for the surgery, he turned our hospital room into a fashion show. He was walking around saying how he was McSteamy (from Greys). Here is my handsome "Doctor" Kevan.

and you know dr's go around busting out in random dance all of the time....

We were finally ready and walked down to the OR for the surgery. Thank GOD that Kevan was allowed to come in with me right away so that he could keep me calm for the spinal. I was soooo nervous. It really didn't help that they weren't able to get it in on the first shot and had to keep trying... I could really do without hearing, "You're going to feel this..." again.. And then since they had such a hard time with that one, I was petrified that it wasn't going to take and I was going to end up with more freaking needles. No thank you.
Once the spinal went in, they had me lay down on the table and had Kevan up by my head. Thank goodness I looked over his shoulder, because they had these glass cabinets that were acting like mirrors aimed at my belly. So I would have had a perfect view of the show. No thank you.
Once they fixed the cabinets so that I couldn't see them opening me up, they started!!! It was such a weird feeling to have my entire body go numb, including my lungs. I had to keep reminding myself that I was indeed breathing and to keep taking nice deep breaths so that I stayed as calm as possible. Staying calm was hard at that point, but at least I wasn't in hysterics over the spinal any longer.
As soon as they told us that it was time for Kevan to start taking pictures, he stood up to get the money shots. We didn't get any fabulous shots of the c-section like we did with Colton, but we got some great shots nonetheless!!!
After they pulled her out, they brought her over to a warmer by my head and started working on her. I was able to convince the doctor to cut the cord long enough that Kevan would still be able to trim it up and make it short. Once they got done with the important stuff, they burrito'd Lillian up and brought her over and laid her on my chest.

They literally put her on me while they were still working on me. I couldn't believe it. The first moments of me looking at my beautiful daughter were just amazing.
This is my daughter.

This is OUR Daughter.

Lillian Grace Gerber
May 23, 2008
8:10 am
7 pounds 7.6 ounces
19 inches long

Proud Daddy

After they took Lillian off of my chest, the nice nurse asked me if I was ready for my "Martini"... I obviously jumped at that and don't remember the rest of the surgery. Next thing that I remember, I was in recovery with Kevan and they brought in Lillian. I immediately started feeding her and she absolutely got it!!! She's been an allstar eater ever since.

I can't believe how absolutely amazing this surgery was compared to my first. There really honestly is no comparison. I was sooo much more comfortable this time around and I didn't get nearly as shaky or out of it or upset afterwards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful story and family, it brought tears to my eyes!! Congratulations!!!

The Gerber Family


About Me

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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.