The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Words words words...

So life with two is going so much better than I had hoped. Colton really is in love with Lillian and sometimes loves her a bit too much... It turns into a fight when he can't pick her up, or when he's loving on her a bit too hard. But he's always running up to her and giving her kisses and just being a total sweetheart.

With me though, everything is a fight. He's hit his terrible two's super hard and that's been the hardest part so far. Not much is working as far as dicipline and I'm close to tears on many occasions because I just feel like nothing is working.

It's so frustrating to be running after Colton all day trying to get him to stop playing with outlets, or not to jump on the glass coffee table, or not to crawl behind the couch and stand on the heat baseboards etc... And forget about changing his clothes or diaper. Man oh Man is that the fight of the year. I end up getting kicked and pinched and just completely beat up. We try everything and I'm so ready for Kevan to get home at the end of the day so that he can take over on Colton duty.

But he is starting to go poop in the potty... so that is a plus.

I feel bad complaining because he really is suuuch a sweetheart and I fall more and more in love with him on a daily basis. I know that it's just the age and all of the changes happening right now and that he'll go back to being my great little dude again sometime... [go ahead and start laughing and insert your "Dream on Suckah" comment here...]

I've found that the best advice that I've gotten for how to handle two under two is to just get out as much as possible and it's soooo true. As long as we're out and about, he's a perfect angel. Or as long as we have friends over for him to play with. Our backyard is absolutely amazing and it's so nice to just sit under the covered porch and have the kids run all over just being kids. I just got what could possibly be the coolest kiddie pool EVER (Deb gets the title of the coolest backyard waterpark, but I can take the kiddie pool title...) and once I get that set up, I'll have pictures for sure. And Colton [& friends] love using sidewalk chalk to paint our fence and trees. They're so cute.

I have lost all of my pregnancy weight now!!! Whoohoo!! I am actually one pound UNDER where I was when I got pregnant!!! It took me just under a month this time which is such an amazing reward for me being so careful this time around with gaining weight. So kudos for me!!!! I have another 18.6 pounds to go until I hit my goal weight. I want to lose this weight for me, for Kevan and for my kids. I started thinking about it one day about how bummed I was that Kevan only got a little bit of me being a skinny minny. I can't wait. I'm down to a size 10 right now and cannot even explain how much I'm going to be jumping up and down when I am a single digit size again... oooooh boy...

We have had Christy's (the amazing photographer behind our pictures) two dogs here with us for the past week while she is off gallivanting around St. Pete Beach with her family. I told her that she had no choice but to eat at Crabby Bills for me. It's brought back a lot of memories for me since Grandma and Grandpa (my moms parents) used to live there and I have so many great memories of seeing them and seeing Greemmommy (my dad's stepmom) while being down there. It's been a week of just thinking about my childhood and about a lot of fun memories. A lot of times we focus on just the bad parts of our childhood and tend to forget about the amazing parts. It's been nice to just remember both Grandma and Grandpa (they've both moved on) and just the fun times that we had down there.

This was also a hard week because we just lost my Nana (my Dad's mom) last night. I am so happy that I'd gotten to spend more time with her in the last couple of years, but it's never enough time. We had a rocky relationship when I was younger (and a total brat) and I was always just looking for a fight. I'm happy that I got the chance to get to know her more and on a better level in the last couple of years [when I got over my rectal cranial inversion syndrome...). I think that one of my favorite memories of Nana were the stories that she used to tell. I remember one night when we were in North Carolina for Christmas around the time that I was 18/19 and we sat around the dinner table with Nana telling us stories about her childhood and Dad and Aunt Nancy when they were little. She just had so much stored away. I remember her talking about pies that night. She will be greatly missed.

Today is also my moms birthday... so Happy Birthday Mom!!! (I've been calling all day and still haven't gotten a hold of her... )

I've been finding a lot of relief lately in sewing. It is nice to have something that I can do where I actually can control it. With everything going on in my life, it's nice to have utter control over something. But I've started sewing nursing covers and I'm selling them now!! I actually sold my first one the other day and I'm beyond excited!! Here is an awful picture of one that I made.
It's lined with Poly Satin and just feels wonderful. It is beyond nice to have something that attaches behind your neck for when you're nursing around other people and you don't have to deal with a hot blanket that is always threatening to fall down exposing you and just not comfy for the baby... And I love that it's got boning in it so that you can look down at the baby.

Here is a pic from the side.

Lillian is doing fabulous!! She seriously is such a great baby. I really lucked out this time. Not only is she beautiful, but she is sooo wonderful and easy!!! She is a content baby who is just happy with whatever. She's sleeping between 4 and 5 hours a stretch at night which I'm obviously loving beyond belief. Colton was sleeping in 2 hour stretches until he was 4 months and eating for an hour giving me an hour break in between feedings.

She really has us all so in love with her!!!

Alright, I hear Colton is up from his nap, so this long winded post will finally end... He has learned how to flip himself out of his crib so I need to hurry up and get him before he tries that one again...

smooches!!! Hope everyone is well!


Laura said...

I'm sorry about your Nana. :o(

I can't believe how well you did with your weight! You have to clue me in- I blew up like a balloon with Whitney and I'm determined not to do that with #2.

Here's a link to that Posh Tosh boutique I was telling you about:
Their contact page has info on how to get your product in the store. They carry some nursing covers already, and they're asking up to $60 for them.

Deb said...

A lot of ups and downs. You're handling it all so gracefully, as usual. Hugs.

The Gerber Family


About Me

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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.