The Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lindsay: The Mom... Kevan: The Dad... Colton: The Kid... Lillian: The Princess... Jarro: The Dog...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Alien or baby...

So being sick this weekend let me have a lot of time to stare at Lillian's crazy movement. No wonder I can't sleep, which means no wonder I'm sick! Think that you could sleep through this insane dance? She's like this all of the time for the most part, lol. I love it most of the times, but I do wish that there was a pause button sometimes. ha ha ha.

I wish that she would have done the thing that she does to my belly button during the video, because that is super alien. I'll have to try and catch that one before she comes. It's almost like she's trying to pop out through the belly button. I was worried one night that she actually might...

So without further ado... Here is Lillian Grace Gerber's first video... I hope that you enjoy! It's pretty cool.... No one can say that my kids aren't wild one's...

Colton has so much fun patting the belly and saying baby... I'll have to get that on video also.

Oh yeah, I finally found our camera charger, so if your impressed with the fabulous quality of this video... it was shot on a Nikon Coolpic... I so highly do not recommend this camera... the video quality should speak for itself. I think that my cell phone takes better videos.

Back to Lillian...

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Saga of The Cake...

So last night I had a dream about this Strawberry Boston Creme Pie from the local grocery store... I've been thinking about it alllll day... wanting it alllllllllllllllllllll day...

I finally convinced Kevan to go to the store and get it...

The conversation went something along the lines of this...

Lovely Pregnant Wife: "Heeeyyy Keeeev..... will you run to the grocery store?????"

Darling Husband: "For what?"

LPW: "A cake..."

DH: "Are you kidding me right now??"

LPW: "I so wish that I were..."

DH: "I can't go bc I don't think that you can handle wild man here by yourself..."

LPW: "Oh, well then you can take him with you..."

DH: "No, I don't have a carseat in my truck... So I can't..."

LPW: "There just so happens to be a carseat in my car, which also just so happens to have YOUR name also on the title!!!!!"

So then it happens.... He actually GOES!!!! He went and got it!!!!!!!

My darling husband walks back into the house with the MOST beautiful cake EVER!!!!


mmmm, doesn't it look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

So then we eat a fabulous Chicken Cacciatore that I just whipped together and then we were ready for dessert...

It was soooooooooooooooo good... Yummy!!! My darling husband loved it!! My fabulous son loved it!!!!! I soooooooo loved it!!!!!!

and then...

it happened.................

after cake

The freaking dog ate it.........

Yes... that would be Eloise... such a sweet dog...

Anyone have any recipes for Braised Boxer???

And yes, I cried... Just like I cried when Kevan sauntered up, happy as a clam and ate my one and only onion ring that came with my burger king french fries....

Oh, and those of you who are on Team Carpet... The carpet survived this brutal assault completely intact... not even the slightest drip of boston creme filling fell onto the carpet... You can take a big sigh of relief... I know, I know... silver linings...

I can be crafty!!!!

As long as it's easy craft's!! hahaha

Here is the boppy cover I made:
boppy cover

I was soo irritated because they charge an absurd amount of money for Boppy covers in the store (were talking $9+ for the rough and cheap ones and $25+ for the nice and soft ones... I made this one for $4 including fabric AND the zipper that I somehow managed to sew into the back of it!!! And it's a super nice and cozy soft flannel.

And here are the little hats I knit on my loom. They couldn't ever pass as a Nancy French original or anything, but I'm fairly impressed with the end result!!! Plus, they took under an hour to make! I'm in love with this knifty knitter!!! hats

Kevan asked me last night if I thought that Lillian would like the things I make her and I replied with, "Oh lordie, I'm sure she will most certainly NOT!!!" But hopefully at one point, I'll have figured out enough about sewing to make things that really look nice.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Next Picasso...

This was the joy that I found after Colton's afternoon nap today...

poopy wall


We got a bath right after naptime and I'm hoping that maybe one day Colton will make some money off of his artwork...

I was actually debating whether I could leave him in the crib long enough to get pictures. I decided that was too dangerous and ended up getting the pictures later on.

What was annoying was when I was dealing with poop child in the tub and my darling husband gets home and starts ringing the doorbell every 2 seconds, making me think that he doesn't have his key. So I get the kid all wrapped in a towel, march downstairs to open the door AS my darling husband is putting his key in the door....

Less than thrilled with either of the boys in this house yesterday...

The GREAT news.... was that NOT one drop of poop made it onto the carpet...


The war against the new carpet....

(the following takes place over a two week period...)

April 3rd...
The carpet has been peed on...

Colton is now a little hippy child that needs to move to Boulder...

When I went in to get him this morning, he had stripped off his pj's and was standing there in his diaper...

When I went in to get him because he wouldn't go to sleep for his morning nap, he had stripped out of his clothes AND his diaper and thrown everything out of his bed and then peed all over everything on the floor... He managed to get most everything on his pillow, but there were some droplets on the carpet...

I saw the scene, shut the door and walked downstairs to get Kevan. I swear, the look on his face when I asked him to come with me for a minute was priceless.. He looked like he was ready to shit his pants... Apparently he thought that he was in some big trouble (I now have to figure out what he's got a guilty conscience over...)

But yes... my child is now a master at getting dressed and undressed... I was pretty excited when he started dressing himself, but I sure could have done without the undressing part!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gerber Family 1
Carpet 0

April 5th...

So this morning, I wake up to Kevan being "quiet" at 5:30 while getting dressed and hear... "Oh crap... Your Mommy is going to be piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed!!!"

I obviously cannot ignore that statement when I'm already awake... I ask what it is that I will be pissed about and scare Kevan to death because he thinks that I can sleep like a man (through anything) and then he informs me that Jarro puked on the new carpet last night and it's really dark...

I've managed to get just about all of the stain up (he dealt with the puke) but I'm wondering what round three will be... I feel bad for this poor carpet...

Gerber Family 2
Carpet 0

April 9th:
7:45 am
Note to self: Make sure that you are fully awake before you try and balance three beer cans on top of each other from your husbands night table to bring downstairs. Because if you're not, you just might drop the one that he was putting his chew spit into and stain the carpet...
7:52 am
Note to self: Make sure that you are fully awake when you grab the carpet cleaner to clean up the spilled tobacco chew on the new carpet, because otherwise, you just might spray cleanup with BLEACH on the new carpet instead of the carpet cleaner...

Monday, April 07, 2008

Let there be light...

Kevan wants to know why Lillian gets such an amazing light fixture and Colton doesn't... so now I have to look harder to find something awesome for his room... I'm thinking a wagon wheel light... we shall see...

But the chandelier is up!!!




And look what one of our friends sent us for baby Lillian!!!!!!!!!

gator girl

Saturday, April 05, 2008

She had so better be a girl...

Because if she is not... he had better like purple and girly things...

So I just finished the chandelier for Lillian's room and I am soooooooooo in love with it!!! I had to tell Kevan that I am bloody brilliant for thinking of doing this and I'm so super happy!!!

I can't wait to get it hung up in there (hopefully) tonight!!!


chandelier before



Friday, April 04, 2008

The nursery has furniture in it!!!

These are obviously from my cell phone camera...

It's not finished at all, but things are coming together!!! I finally can feel like I've made a room for our daughter now!! Only little things are left for in there...

Looking in from the door.

Looking left

facing the door

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

We have CARPET!!!!!

I can't even describe how amazing it is to actually have carpet in the house!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like things are at a place now where we can start to slow down a little bit and start to actually enjoy the house a bit instead of just slaving over it... Not too much of a slowdown, we still have a bunch to get done... but we're sure getting closer!!!!

Here are the latest pictures of our new progress...

Colton's Cowboy Room:
(I should have cleaned off the rocking chair, and isn't that such an awesome dresser!!!)
cowboy room

The rope molding is up...

The cowboy movie prints. I'm sooo happy with how this turned out!!
movie prints

We still need to get his name up on the walls, hang up his iron hooks, hang his drapes , finish his cowboy lampshade and some other things... But it's really getting there!!!

Here is the nursery:
I got this changing table and painted it the same purple that is the background of the walls. It came out adorable!

Here is the "new" crib that mom found, but I need to get parts for it before it's functional...

Here is her butterfly windchime that I found. There is no theme for her room, but I couldn't resist this because it was so sweet. I also bought a butterfly mobile to hang above her changing table to give her something pretty to look at. But now I can't get any more butterflys in the room without it looking "theme-y"


It's coming along!!! We just need the flooring down in front and behind it and the bartop and then we're super close!!!! Notice the fabulous Irish Pub carpet that was installed this morning???

The new couches!!! Notice how they are actually IN the room??? lol!!!
new couches
The Gerber Family


About Me

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I am a working mom of two trying to stay sane in the midst of our first house renovation. I am obsessed with bargains and making something fabulous out of a boring find.